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Restaurant Jobs in Kraaifontein
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Manager Needed At Local Sushi Restaurant In Kraaifontein
- Kraaifontein | Mar 31, 2021
- Kraaifontein, Western Cape - We are looking for a vibrant and experienced manager at a local Sushi restaurant in Kraaifontein. Applicants require the following
Waiter Needed At Sushi Restaurant In Cape Gate
- Kraaifontein | Jan 4, 2021
- Kraaifontein, Western Cape - We are in need of a waiter at a local Sushi restaurant in Cape Gate. Applicants require the following: - Relevant experience - fluent in
Senior Restaurant Manager
- Kraaifontein | Dec 26, 2020
- Kraaifontein, Western Cape - An exciting opportunity exists for a Senior restaurant manager to join our dynamic company and to work within SA's No. 1 Fast Food brand